Firmware Update Tool
How to use the firmware update tool!
Plusnet - ADSL - TG582n (with USB port) - 8.4.4.J
Plusnet - ADSL - TG582n-PS (without USB port) - 8.4.4.J
Plusnet - ADSL - TG582n-PS (without USB port) - 10.2.2.B
Plusnet - FTTC - TG582n (with USB port) - 8.C.M.0
Plusnet - FTTC - TG582n (with USB port) -
Plusnet - FTTC - TG582n (with USB port) -
Plusnet - TG589vn - 10.5.2.F
These links are used at your own risk. Support queries should be directed towards the Plusnet Community Forums. Plusnet support staff will not be able to assist with firmware upgrade problems.